Figure 4 (Left) Periodic Acid Shift (PAS) Stain (right) Mucin Stain

The pathology findings indicate the real origin of these lesions, showing an epithelium of digestive or respiratory type lining the cavity of the cyst. A fibrous capsule, variable in thickness, is always present and the cysts are lined by epithelium varying from cuboidal to columnar and occasionally pseudo-stratified type . The epithelium is strongly PAS positive and rests on a connective tissue base. A varying number of globet cells are present within the epithelium and are responsible for the mucinous content. (8).Electron microscopy can reveal areas of ciliated epithelium whereas non ciliated cells wich microvilli are present in every case with characteristic surface granular glycocalyx coating. They possess features of secretory function, having prominent nuclei, and, as well, tight junctions are present (9).

In our patient, a typical fragment of foregut epithelium was found with secretory products: the secretory function gives support to the possibility of secretion of contrast inside the lesion, a fact never seen and described before in literature. In addition several calcifications have been found.


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