New Neuro Angiography Suite at the MNH/MNI
Dr Donatella Tampieri, MD

he new Neuro-Angiographic suite has opened at the Montreal Neurological on June 13th, 2005. The equipment is a GE LCN bi-plane unit that enables 3D rotational angiography and MRI/Angiography Fusion.

The 3D rotational angiography is extremely helpful in the treatment planning for intracranial vascular lesions, particularly aneurysms and arterio-venous malformations (AVMs). A basilar artery aneurysm prior to endovascular treatment is shown in Fig 1A. Fig 1 B demonstrates the mass of coils (in yellow) within the aneurysm completely occluded.

The length of the diagnostic and interventional procedures is significantly decreased. The 3D rotational angiography enables a more detailed demonstration of the aneurysm and its relationship with the parent artery.
The software of this equipment allows fusion of images obtained with different modalities, therefore an angiogram may be superimposed to a MRI image to demonstrate the relation of the aneurysm with the surrounding brain.
